Refugees in Indonesia
The Indonesian government is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention. As a result, refugees and asylum seekers are only granted temporary protection while waiting indefinitely for resettlement. During their stay in Indonesia, refugees and asylum seekers are unable to exercise their right to work, apply for higher education, travel, or drive.
Currently, the UNHCR has 17,174 registered refugees and 90 percent of them are unfunded. Additionally, the Covid-19 pandemic posed more challenges for refugees seeking to be resettled in light of the already limited resettlement options.

Our Desired Outcome
Education4All was initiated to help overcome the challenges refugees face regarding education in Indonesia. However, with only 12 refugee learning centers in Jakarta and Bogor, the need is beyond the capacity. Even though public schools became more accessible and refugee learning centers increased, there are still many challenges for refugees who live outside of Jakarta and Bogor.
These groups of refugees and asylum seekers have very limited access to educational opportunities such as in cities like Malang. Our organization is an online learning program to reach refugees who couldn’t find a place in learning centers, couldn’t afford transportation, and who live outside of Jakarta and Bogor where they are unable access to learning programs.